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- Dry powder
- No artificial colours or flavours
- Natural ingredients

Arcadia Earth Pro Jellypot Gold, Fruityinsect Gold

  • Arcadia Reptile EarthPro Jelly pot is a convenient and easy to use treat food which can be easily made into a jellypot feed by adding hot water and leaving to cool. Contains all-natural ingredients including fruits, honey, bee pollen, insects and plants with no artificial colours or flavours, to boost dietary variety.

    FruityInsectGold contains roughly a 50/50 mix of fruits, honey and Bee pollen and whole crushed insects.

    Feeding Instructions:
    FruityInsectGold is a high insect/high fruit treat food for omnivores that has been designed to be fed alongside the main diet in order to increase dietary variety.

    This all-natural mix can be fed at will alongside the main diet to a level of around 10-15% of the total diet. Measure out powder, add hot water as indicated, refrigerate until set then feed.

    FruityInsectGold: Black Soldier Fly Larvae (40%), Papaya (28.50%), Calcium Carbonate (5%), Coconut Milk (5%), Locust Bean Gum (5%), Silkworm (3.5%), Banana (3%), Mealworm (3%), Apple (2.5%) Cricket (1%), Raspberry (1%), Honey (1%), Blueberry (0.75%), Vitamin B (0.50%), Bee Pollen (0.25%).

    ReptiGold: papaya, Raspberry, Apple, Coconut Milk, Calcium Carbonate, Locust Bean Gum, Honey, Bee Pollen, Blueberry

    Nutritional Information:
    FruityInsectGold: 26% protein, 7% crude fibre, 13% crude oils and fats, 6% crude ash, <8% moisture.
    ReptiGold: 4% protein, 11% crude fibre, 7% crude oils and fats, <8% moisture.

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