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What are Coopz Reptiles Live Silent Brown Crickets ?

 Live Silent Brown Crickets Pre Packs and Bulk-Packs are Brown Crickets that have been specially bred for reptile food use. Silent brown crickets are a cold tolerant species of feeder insects. They are a favourite of many popular reptiles, including Bearded Dragons, Ackies Monitors, Tegus, Blue Tounge Skinks, Water Dragons, Chameleons, Leopard Geckos,  Crested Geckos, Tree Frogs. Infact most reptile species will enjoy munching on this choice of live feed! Silent Brown Crickets are an excellent alternative for many species of cricket, including Black crickets, as their soft bodies don't make the normal chirping sound and they are easyer to consume due to having a softer body.


How long will feeder Crickets live?

Brown crickets have a maximum shelf life of around a month from when they arrive at your home. They must be properly kept in a smooth-sided container with a vented lid filled with plenty of food and water avalible. Brown Crickets are nocturnal, so you can conserve their energy and calm them by storing them under bright light. Live crickets should be kept at a regular room temperature and you should provide moisture regularly to prevent dehydration.


How do i gutload my Crickets?

Crickets are vegetarian eaters and will eat practically most types of plant matter, fruits and vegetables. However, before feeding you can try to gut load your Brown Crickets to provide proper supplementation to your reptiles diet.  This is important because the gut loading process of feeding your Brown crickets fruit and vitamin-rich plants and supplements will pass all the nutrients on to your reptile in an easily digestible form. Alternitivly you can also gutload them by using our gutloading supplements such as the Arcadia Insect Fule which can be found in our supplement section on our website.


Brown (Silent) Cricket

  • Sizing :

    Banded Brown Crickets are available in a variety of sizes to cater for reptiles of different weights and stages of development:

    Hatchlings (1-2mm),

    1st (3mm),

    2nd (6mm)

     3rd (8mm)

    4th (12-14mm)

    Standard (15-18mm)

    Large (19-22mm).

    Smaller than other species of cricket, Banded Brown Crickets are excellent climbers and make a great meal or treat for most reptiles or amphibians. 

    - Smaller than other species of cricket
    - Great meal or treat for most reptiles or amphibians

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