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- Natural

- Ideal for creating humidity

- Wet daily to keep in top condition

- Available in 250g (small), 1kg bag or 12kg (bulk)

HabiStat Sphagnum Moss is a natural sphagnum moss, suitable for use in humid and wet environments.

Sphagnum Moss allows you to control the humidity needs of your animal due to its naturally high water absorbency - replicating their natural environments. Using moss can also provide a source of hydration for some reptiles that absorb moisture through their skin.

Keep the moss damp and place on top of substrate. To create a humid hideaway within an arid environment, place damp moss within a hide. Alternatively, moss can serve as an ideal substrate for creating nests or laying eggs - add to an incubator for egg laying purposes.

Wet daily to keep it in top condition.

Habistat Sphagnum Moss

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