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Farm fresh, healthy, nutritious locusts make a great meal for many lizards and other exotics pets.  


Are Locusts good live food insects?

Locusts make an excellent food for most species of lizards, including Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Chameleons and Monitor Lizards. If your concerned about locusts biting your pet reptiles, fear not because this wouldn't be a problem as, unlike other insects such as crickets. Locusts can however kick their legs as a deffence, however they tend to move alot swlower  something most reptiles can overcome due to Locusts being slightly slower moving. Their vegetarian diet also means Locusts have a high vegetable gut content so they will offer plenty of nutritional value to your pet animals.


Should I feed my Locusts?

Yes, 100% . Locusts can eat a diet made up of almost any waste plant and vegetable matter. However, it is important to avoid anything coated in insecticides. Most keepers will feed their insects fruit and veg, with sweet fruit being their favourite meal. The main reason as to why you should feed them is becuase by gut-loading the Locust with vitamins and nutrients from eating fruits and veg will provide more nutrition to your pets diet once the locust has been consumed by your pet. You can find our gutloading supplement products in our supplement section on our website.




  • Sizing 

    Hatchling (small) = 8 - 12mm 

    3rd Locust (Medium) = 18 - 24mm

    4th Locust (Large) = 28 - 32mm 

    5th Locust (XL) = 36 - 42mm

    Adult Locust (with wings) = 50 - 60mm


    Pre Pack Locust Quantitys

    Small = 25 per tub

    Medium = 20 per tub

    Large = 15 per tub

    Xl = 12 per tub

    Adult = 8 per tub


    Super Pack Locust Quantitys

    Small= 50-60 per tub

    Medium =40-50 per tub

    Large = 30-40 per tub

    XL = 25 per tub

    Adult = 12 per tub

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