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Morio Worms are the perfect treat for larger lizards, providing them with much needed protein for their diet. 

We supply our customers with the most nutritious live food availabl! Bred in exceptional ethical conditions from within the United Kingdom. Our live food is always gutloaded exceptionally to ensure it will be a tasty nutritious meal for your reptile pets. Buy with confidence that your parcel will arrive exactly as described!


What Lizards can eat Morio Worms?

Morio Worms are a great addition to a varied diet for larger reptile species such as Bearded Dragons, Ackies Monitors, Bosc Monitors, Blue Tounge Skinks, Turtles, Leopard Geckos and many more species!


Can I Feed Morio Worms to Birds?

Morio Worms make a great addition to most larger bird species diets!


Should I Gutload My Morio Worms?

Yes, it would be highly recomended you continue to gutload all your live feed at home. Even though we gutload priior to sale, you should still maintain gutloading all your livefeed to ensure your reptiles are always getting the right nutrition within their diet. We would highly recomend the Arcadia Insect Fuel or our other brands of gutloading supplements which can be found in our supplements section. 

Mario Worm

  • Nutritional information:

    Moisture - 59.8%
    Fat - 15.2%
    Calcium - 0.02%
    Protein - 19.5%
    Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio - 0.10%

    Pack Sizing 

    Morioworms are approximately 40-50mm long and are available in packs of 40g and 500g.

    Care Instructions:

    As with all live food it is essential they are kept healthy. Packed in bran, empty the Morioworms into a smooth-sided container. No lid required as they can't climb! Ensure they are kept at a regular temperature of 60-65 F (18C). Place a slice of potato or carrot in the container to provide moisture.

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